A Swedish company that offers alternatives to virgin plastic raw materials
A Swedish start-up in the plastics industry
We offer the plastics industry a sustainable and competitive alternative to virgin plastic using innovative technology, as well as high commercial and environmental standards. Omni Polymers is independent and not bound to any industry interests.
We are owned by TMR Gruppen and Plastonomy . TMR is an approved producer responsibility organization that handles all packaging fractions. Plastonomy is an engineering and consulting company that designs, constructs, operates, and automates plastic recycling facilities.
Our first production facility is situated in Ängelholm
Omni Polymers Plant
Nordalagatan 4, 262 73, Ängelholm
Certifications for environment, quality, and work environment
We take quality management seriously and endeavors to become certified in accordance with ISO standards 9001 (quality), 14 001 (environment), and 45 001 (work environment and safety). This provides increased security for all stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, and customers.
See our policy documents and code of conduct.
Omni polymers Arbetsmiljöpolicy 230529.PDF
Omni Polymers Environmental Policy 230529.PDF
Omni Polymers Quality Policy 230529.PDF
Omni Polymers GDPR Policy 230529.PDF
Code of Conduct 2023.PDF
Uppförandekod 2023.PDF
Our long-term vision is a completely circular plastic flow
Our use of plastic continues to increase but very little is recycled. According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 8 7 % of all plastic waste is incinerated. In Sweden alone, it is estimated that approximately SEK 9 billion in material value is lost annually. That is something Omni Polymers seeks to change. The sights are set on a society where plastic packaging is not wasted or incinerated but is recycled and used in manufacturing new products. The long-term vision is a completely circular plastic flow.
This is just the beginning
We will soon expand production in Ängelholm and utilize the plant's full potential as demand for recycling processes and recycled material grows. Join us on an exciting journey.